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Pack your bags like a pro for your stay at Pousada Capitù

Pack your bags like a pro for your stay at Pousada Capitù

Is your stay at Pousada Capitù fast approaching and you still haven't packed your bags?

We all know the ‘do it at the last minute, put everything that comes to hand, and fight to try and close it’ technique. Rest assured, you are not alone!

That’s why we offer you a complete guide to packing your bags so that you can make the most of your stay in Brazil at Pousada Capitù!

1st step: Your best ally, the “to-take list”:

We rarely think about it and it may seem a little cheesy to make a list to prepare your suitcase, but don't you make a shopping list? The purpose is the same: Not forgetting the essentials and limiting the risk of taking unnecessary things. There is no need for the superfluous; the essential is more than enough to enjoy your stay in Brazil.

It's never fun to pack and unpack your bags, so being organized is a great way to facilitate the packing and unpacking of your belongings especially if you multiple stops.

Little extra for an optimized toiletry bag:

Remember to take small formats. Some stores sell practical brand products, with a capacity of 100ml, ready to put straight in the suitcase.

If you are traveling with two or three people and you are staying in the same room, take only one shampoo and toothpaste for everyone, that is enough.

Remember to put all the products likely to leak in a plastic bag and then in your toiletry bag. This way, if a product leaks, it will not damage the rest of your belongings and it will be much easier to clean.

The list of essentials for the toiletry bag:

  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Perfume (without alcohol because in the sun alcohol can stain)
  • Deodorant (no aerosol)
  • Comb or brush
  • Elastics, headbands, clips
  • Shower gel / soap
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner or treatment (if used)
  • Day cream for the face with sun protection
  • Moisturizer
  • Make-up removing wipes (rather than liquid lotion)
  • Make-up, brushes and sponges (according to your habits)
  • Sunscreen for the body (with a protection index corresponding to your exposure to the sun)
  • Higher protective sunscreen for the face (with a protection index corresponding to your exposure to the sun)
  • After sun cream
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Hygienic protections (contraceptive, condoms, periodic protections, if necessary)
  • Medicines according to your needs (for headache, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, difficult digestion or bloating and finally an emulsion for skin application, in case of sunburn.)
  • Small first aid kit (dressings, disinfectant, thermometer, small scissors, etc.)
  • Tweezers, razor or strips of cold wax

For the clothes:

The main rule is to take less rather than too much because we can wear the clothes several times.

Okay so, there’s that nice pair of jeans that you want to bring and that skirt that you never wear that you promised to baptize during your stay…but no, you won’t be able to take everything. Hard times, we know… 

Start by looking up the places you will visit during your stay in Brazil.

For example:

4 days in Rio de Janeiro, 2 days in Iguazu, 5 days in the Amazon, 2 days in Salvador de Bahia and to finish 5 Days great days at the Pousada Capitù Imbassai Bahia.

You will need:

A comfortable flight outfit. Keep in mind, you might be cold when leaving Europe, then warm when you arrive in Brazil and vice versa when you return. You must opt ​​for: 1 pair of sneakers + 1 pants + 1 T-shirt + 1 loose sweater + 1 pair of socks + comfortable underwear. There’s nothing worse than feeling oppressed, feeling cold or hot on the plane.

For Rio de Janeiro, Iguazu and Salvador de Bahia, you need the same clothes (for the 8 days):

For Madame List 1:

  • 1 pair of jeans / trousers
  • 3 shorts / skirts
  • 6 tops
  • 2 dresses for the day
  • 2 evening outfits that you can wear with a pair of Havaianas
  • 1 pair of shoes for walking in town in addition to your flight sneakers
  • 1 pair of flip-flops / sandals / Havaianas (you’ll most likely buy a pair there so don't bring too many pairs),
  • 1 pyjamas + underwear + socks
  • 3 swimsuits
  • 1 sweater 
  • 2 sarongs that you can use to go to the beach and the swimming pool but also in a shawl over your shoulders in the evening (again, you might buy them there so don’t bring too many)
  • 1 raincoat (essential for Iguazu and always useful if there is a little rain in town)
  • 1 pair of sunglasses
  • 1 waterproof and light backpack to have everything within reach

For Mr. List 1:

  • 2 pairs of jeans / trousers
  • 4 shorts
  • 6 tops: t-shirts / polo shirts
  • 2 shirts / polo shirts for the evening
  • 1 pair of shoes for walking in town in addition to your flight sneakers
  • 1 pair of slides / sandals / Havaianas (you’ll most likely buy a pair there so don't bring too many pairs)
  • 1 pyjamas + underwear + socks
  • 3 swimsuits 
  • 1 sweater
  • 1 raincoat (essential for Iguazu and always useful if there is a little rain in town)
  • 1 pair of sunglasses
  • 1 waterproof and light backpack to be able to have everything at hand

For the Amazon and Pousada Capitù Imbassai, you need the same clothes as in list 1 and in addition:

For Madame and Monsieur List 2:

  • 1 pair of light trousers that dries quickly (some that turn into shorts are quite handy)
  • 1 pair of shorts
  • 2 light long sleeve tops
  • 2 t-shirts
  • 1 loose shirt that you can put on top to cover your shoulders if necessary
  • 1 pair of walking shoes
  • 1 pyjamas + underwear + 3 pairs of high socks
  • 1 cap
  • 1 more repellent mosquito repellent that you put on your clothes (if possible before your departure)

In order to be able to take advantage of the activities organized at Pousada Capitù, you will need a pair of pants, sneakers or walking shoes, sunscreen, a pair of high socks and a cap for a superb horse ride on the beach.

For surf lessons with Lenon, the ideal is to have a comfortable one-piece swimsuit for girls. For the ride in stand up paddle or kayak with Fernando, you will need a T-shirt or lycra to avoid sunburn. 

A beach towel and a bathrobe will be provided by our team at Pousada Capitù to fully enjoy the beach, the pool and a massage if you wish.

The little extras that change everything to not forget!

Technological devices:

  • The camera to keep memories and empty SD cards
  • Headphones
  • The tablet / Kindle 
  • The electrical outlet adapter
  • Chargers for each device


  • Two plastic bags for dirty clothes and the wet swimsuits (as you will enjoy your vacation until the last minute).
  • Bags for your shoes
  • One or two books
  • The guide to Brazil

2nd step: Organizing the suitcase

Let's get to the heart of the matter, the one that gives you cold sweats: fitting everything in your suitcase.

The golden rule: rolling clothes

We promise you, this is the only valid technique to save space. We tried everything!

So fold your clothes in half, then roll them up.

After making your tight little rolls, the second rule is to position what is fragile between the layers of clothing.

Use several small kits for easy storage such as a pocket for your underwear, another for your swimsuits, one for your cables and chargers, one for your sunscreen products and yet another for each pair of shoes so as not to risk to get your clothes dirty.

What to put in the bag in the cabin?

Everything you will need for the trip:

  • Book, Headphones, Magazines, Notebook, Pens, TabletValuables.
  • Phone and charger,
  • Compression stockings,
  • Mini beauty pouch: lip balm, handkerchiefs, toothbrush and travel toothpaste, refreshing pastilles and small pharmacy.

For more comfort during the trip, you can add an inflatable travel cushion to avoid neck ache as well as a sleep mask and earplugs.

Do not forget to buy a bottle of water after the security check, it is essential to hydrate yourself during the flight.

Keep room in your cabin bag so that you can put your sweater in if you are hot or cold during the flight. It would be a shame to lose it.

You must also keep in a separate and accessible pocket, all your travel documents: passport (we take care to scan everything before and send them by email, in case of loss) visa documents if necessary / airline tickets / address and contact of your accommodation at destination.

You’re all set and ready to go! All you have to do now is enjoy your stay in Brazil.

We look forward seeing you at The Pousada Capitù Imbassai Bahia Brazil 


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